Tuesday, December 26, 2006


24-12-2006 7B (2)
24-12-2006 7B
其實這晚原想吃完飯後再找"roomate & friends" 玩,但最後也打消了念頭。
1. 聚會前一人到信和行二手CD店碰運氣,途中仍舊看到派卡片的人;在一間店舖內竟給我看到這兩隻碟,二話不說立刻買下。
2 Moby CDs
2. 很少在街上碰見Chem. Eng.人,這晚竟給我碰到,哈~

Friday, December 22, 2006


昨天考完試,Year 2 fall sem 也算是告一段落。說真的這個學期沒有花足夠時間來讀書,所以final exam前溫習得頗為辛苦,而且自己相信成績也不能用"OK"來形容,看來下個學期要更用功了。
早前開始愛上Franz Ferdinand,不知何故覺得他們這首歌很適合形容考完試的心情;其實自己早在考試前已決定考試後要用這首歌做background了。:D

Franz Ferdinad
The Dark Of The Matinée
Franz Ferdinad

You take your white finger
Slide the nail under
The top and bottom buttons of my blazer
Relax the fraying wool, slacken ties
And I'm not to look at you in the shoe
But the eyes
Find the eyes

Find me and follow me through corridors
Refectories and files you must follow
Leave this academic factory
You will find me in the matinee, the dark of the matinee
It's better in the matinee
The dark of the matinee is mine, yes it's mine

I time every journey to bump into you accidentally
I charm you and tell you of the boys I hate
All the girls I hate, all the words I hate
The clothes I hate
How I'll never be anything I hate
You smile, mention something that you like
Oh, how you'd have a happy life
If you did the things you like

Find me and follow me through corridors
Refectories and files you must follow
Leave this academic factory
You will find me in the matinee, the dark of the matinee
It's better in the matinee
The dark of the matinee is mine, yes it's mine

So I'm on BBC2 now, telling Terry Wogan how I made it
And what I made is unclear now
But his deference is and his laughter is
My words and smile are so easy now
Yes, it's easy now, yes, it's easy now

Find me and follow me through corridors
Refectories and files you must follow
Leave this academic factory
You will find me in the matinee, the dark of the matinee
Well, find me and follow me through corridors
Refectories and files you must follow
Leave this academic factory
You will find me in the matinee, the dark of the matinee
It's better in the matinee
The dark of the matinee is mine, yes it's mine

Friday, December 01, 2006


CENGSS 06-07 @ promotion period

回想去年組莊時對大部份莊員都不認識 (事實上我上莊可能已經爆大冷),到現在成為朋友,一同開會、搞function, "hea", 溫書、癲......這個過程其實不是偶然的,是很值得珍惜的。

Saturday, November 18, 2006


隔了好一段日子沒post, 因為我剛過了一個「死亡週」。
其實自己是不是誇張了一點?所謂死亡週其實只是星期六日要溫習兩科core courses和完成十題功課,星期一最後衝刺溫書,星期二三有core course exam和quiz各一,星期四又交一份功課和搞Pub Night (個人覺得那是頗成功而且瘋狂的),星期五再交一份功課而已~~......(苦笑)
事實上這星期心情確實麻麻地,上星期六日在家也沒跟家人多聊天,這星期六日又要留在hall做lab report; 不斷有task-to-do, 人難免燥,自己一直按捺情緒,希望沒於朋友面前爆發吧?但心中仍不斷問這種生活還要忍受多久?究竟真的是workload太大還是自己太安於逸樂?
心情直到pub night瘋狂過後好轉,真要多謝大家呢~
相信直到final exam前都不會再出現「死亡週」,心中期待sem break的來臨;但往後的生活如何呢?自己仍不知道。

Sunday, November 05, 2006

To be listened to...

Don't Pass Me By
The Beatles
The Beatles [White Album] Disc 1

I listen for your footsteps
Coming up the drive
Listen for your footsteps
But they don't arrive
Waiting for your knock dear
On my old front door
I don't hear it
Does it mean you don't love me any more.

I hear the clock a'ticking
On the mantel shelf
See the hands a'moving
But I'm by myself
I wonder where you are tonight
And why I'm by myself
I don't see you
Does it mean you don't love me any more.

Don't pass me by don't make me cry don't make me blue
'Cause you know darling I love only you
You'll never know it hurt me so
How I hate to see you go
Don't pass me by don't make me cry

I'm sorry that I doubted you
I was so unfair
You were in a car crash
And you lost your hair
You said that you would be late
About an hour or two
I said that's alright I'm waiting here
Just waiting to hear from you.

早前認識同層朋友阿lau,大家都喜歡聽外國音樂,很容易談起唱片經。近日他慷慨地借出兩隻CD(A Rush of Blood to the Head - Coldplay; (What's the Story) Morning Glory? - Oasis),加上他推介的"Revolver - The Beatles",和自己早前從學校圖書館借的 "The Beatles White Album",現共有4套Album要聽。

雖然自己free time不多,但還可以慢慢聽。

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Plant Visit 017

Plant Visit 001

Plant Visit 002

Plant Visit 005

Plant Visit 009

Plant Visit 013

Plant Visit 015

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


前天Plant Visit在接近原定集合時間時本人才於科大出發,原因竟然並非遲起床,事實上本人當日一早起床,真正遲到原因其實非常白癡。但無論是哪個原因,都改變不了本人遲到15分鐘的事實......幸好自己遲到沒有對function造成大影響,只是本人需自付的士車資共$25,內心有罪疚感,到達時有點戲劇性地出現大家眼前 (但我寧願「摺埋一二邊」......)。
昨天原定09:00上堂,10:20落堂時 class visit year 2, 醒來時已是09:35,想起昨晚忘記校鬧鐘,立刻洗臉刷牙,接著頭也不回地衝上課室。自己知道可以落堂時才出現,但反正醒來了便上堂吧。10:00到達課室,又一次突然出現。記得以前別人落堂前才出現,自己都低聲議論別人奇怪,現在終於自食其果,也深深體會到"Everything happens for a reason", 但別人不會明白的苦況。

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

moby.live hotel tour 2005

同場還給我看到ENIGMA的新碟A Posteriori和二手的Play賣, 看來不用多久我又要買碟了。
前些日子忙到「得閒死唔得閒訓」,我想最辛苦的已經過去了,時間殺手lab report也解決了,接下來剩下一個mid-term和一些功課......我想日子會好起來的,大家一齊加油吧~!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

When I'm Busy I'd Like To Die

星期日傍晚突然發現未來兩星期有6份功課、兩個mid-term exam和一份lab report, 頓時覺得我的生活真是充滿著驚喜。
沒辦法,只好立刻編時間表。編好後發現我要忙到25日,星期六日無假期,要做lab report;有些功課自己明知不夠時間做,但我根本無選擇餘地,只能「盡人事聽天命」。
Year2的工作量真的不能跟year 1的相比。Year 1時一個月可能才有一兩份功課,year2時不斷有功課做,真是不愁寂寞;而且當你辛苦完成一份功課後,你可能會發現有兩至三份新功課等著你。忙到這樣子,不明白為何自己還有閒情逸致來打這篇文 (這個時候我應該做MATH150),更不明白為何自己會編兩星期的時間表,難道我認為自己還有命留到下星期?

Thursday, October 12, 2006


My 2.1 speakers
去年換了新電腦後,喇叭只沿用舊電腦的兩件頭喇叭,記得用舊電腦時喇叭的聲效不俗,雖然低音出力不足但聲音還是頗準;但用在新機上竟立刻「收了皮」,聲音還是準但卻細了很多,調到maximum也只有以前十分一的功力,不知是否因為新機無sound card,但舊機的sound card又釘了蓋,不能裝進新機。後來莊員Vivian送了對usb喇叭,聲音大了但音質卻差了。這時內心想買新喇叭的慾望要爆發了,所以在九月尾跟司徒到黃金買喇叭。
當日行了兩三小時,司徒已買了副Philips 2.1但我還沒買到。臨走前走進一間店想試些兩件頭,其實有一對usb喇叭是不錯的,但後來店員介紹一套$99 的2.1,這樣的價錢確實令我眼前一亮,聲效也令人滿意,所以便立刻買下。
現在在房內經常焚機。聲音清晰了,聽到以前聽不到的聲音。不過為免騷擾到roomate和鄰居,最多也只用12.5% power,但都很滿足了。

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Scientist - Coldplay

The Scientist - Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart

Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh let's go back to the start

Running in circles
Coming up tails
Heads on a silence apart

Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh take me back to the start

I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart

Questions of science
Science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart

Tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start

Running in circles
Chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard

I'm going back to the start


Wednesday, September 20, 2006


為何突然又湧起這個念頭?原因可能是看了太多有醫生角色的電視劇,受了影響,想像Band of Brothers的軍醫一樣在槍林彈雨中為同伴止血包扎,或者像Lost的主角Jack般智勇雙全。我也明白現實中不是每個醫生都像他們,發現自己對醫生的認識其實膚淺得可笑。

1. 聽過無國界醫生這個組織,我在想有沒有無國界工程師之類的組織。在Google search了一下,只找到一些學術組織,泄了道氣。
2. 未知會細昌便貼了他的相,希望他不會介意吧...?

Friday, September 15, 2006

Snapshot @ HKUST

今天中午回到宿舍,見到天培拿著他的Canon S3 IS玩,突然心血來潮,提議出外拍攝。二人往海邊方向走去,捕捉沿途景物 (按下相片再按All Size放大):

Snap-shot @ HKUST

Snap-shot @ HKUST

Snap-shot @ HKUST

Snap-shot @ HKUST

Snap-shot @ HKUST

Link: 我的相簿@Flickr

Thursday, September 07, 2006



我、司徒、Jeffrey, Vivian & 萍萍負責mass game. 雖然早在六月開始準備,但太多突發時件出現,O'camp第一天自己覺得好像在打丈,幸得各莊員合作,最後有驚無險,我非常感激;其實若果不是莊員間互相合作,O'camp根本搞不成。






Sunday, August 06, 2006

Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News-Chemical Plant Blast Kills 22 People In China

Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News-Chemical Plant Blast Kills 22 People In China
今天看新聞時突然發現有chem. eng.的professor上新聞!因為覺得很少見professor上新聞,所以貼了出來。
新聞是關於日前江蘇化工廠爆炸意外,報導媒體是American Chemical Society.

Link: HKUST, Department of Chemical Engineering

Friday, August 04, 2006

Fujifilm F30 續篇

(click to zoom!)

Swimming pool and sea view

hill view 2

hill view 1



HKUST sea view at 蘑菇

USP airsoft gun

Fullmetal Alchemist figures

Monday, July 31, 2006

Fujifilm F30

6月初去瀋陽前我忽發奇想,提議下年暑假去西藏;原以為別人反應不會很熱烈,幸好阿邦和天培都很有興趣。自從由瀋陽回來後便發現去旅行無相機確實極不方便,不能拍下自己希望拍下的景物,所以回來後便一直說要買相機,幾經辛苦終於在兩星期前mark到sponsor (當然是來自父母,他們大概也明白旅行無相機很麻煩;他們一直煩著我說要看相,但相是用別人的相機拍的),買了討論區評價不錯,阿sir又推薦的F30.
Fujifilm F30

一些試拍照(click to zoom):
view from my home
Night view from the room window

1. 相機是在旺角星際買的,剛巧那裡有抽獎,每買滿$100便有一張抽獎券,所以我有29張抽獎券,每張後面也得寫上名字電話。我好像回到幼稚園要練習寫自己的名字,而且要寫29次!
2. 關於去西藏的計劃,日期只定了在下年的暑假;我也知道來日方長,變數很多,但我仍希望下年能成行。

Sunday, July 30, 2006

中樂、京劇:Shenyang CLIC part 13


16/6 1544
Today morning we have no lecture and we went to 五愛市場, which is an area of 批發 market. We entered into a building. Inside of it looks like a common shopping mall with small shops. At first we thought it has nothing interesting (remark: 只記但有很多內衣褲賣......), until we went to the highest floor where fine arts shops are. Many of us have bought something but I hadn’t coz the things are useless to me although they are beautiful.
And in the afternoon we stay in the University and listen to some Chinese music performed by students and professors here. I enjoyed the music very much. We heard 十面埋伏、茉莉花 and some other songs. I thought the music would be slow and very boring but then I found that it is special and exciting.
And we went to watch 京劇 rehearsal. The drama was called 鐵弓緣 and was about a girl and her mother who owned a restaurant. And a rich young man came and try to mess up the restaurant but was caught by the mother. The drama contains some funny parts. Like when the young man’s servers want to beat the mother she said, “why you touch me?! 男女授授不親。” And the mother made the young man to put off his pants when she caught him. And she had to order for 3 times coz he wears 3 pants. :D
I think what I experienced today had hit my view strongly towards Chinese culture.
At night me, Zack, 常 and 磯 had dinner with some local students. We had Korean BBQ but the restaurant is much less beautiful than the one me and 磯 had on 12/6. We played “7 and multiple of 7” but a round ends quickly before it went to 3x. :D

Friday, July 07, 2006


Meteora - Linkin Park
X&Y - Coldplay
ENIGMA - Michael Creta
some CDs bought in June
原來Linkin Park叫林肯公園,Coldplay叫酷玩樂隊......後來又於網上買了Moby的18.
買Meteora是因為kkk介紹過breaking the habit這首歌給我,我又覺得幾o岩聽;但聽罷meteora發現Linkin Park比我想像中更hardcore, 所以始終覺得有點channel唔o岩,但又未至於接受不了。
ENIGMA是從radioIOambient電台認識的,那首principle of lust印象頗深刻,今次終於可以一次過擁有48首ENIGMA的作品(3CD賣RMB$18?!!而且是HDCD)。

Thursday, July 06, 2006

太原街: Shenyang CLIC part 10

13/6 2306
Today we had a talk on enterprisers in China in different times. It makes me feel that commercial chances are everywhere in China. And at the end the speaker talked about the next generation of enterprisers will make their money on the Internet. That makes me thought of setting up a shop in ebay.
And the afternoon we went to 太原街 which is like Hong Kong’s Mongkok. There was really not enough time to walk into every shop I interested. At last I bought a album of Enigma (3CDs for just RMB$18!) and an introductory book about bioengineering.

PS 那天我在太原街郵局買了4張明信片,15日寄出,各RMB$5,價錢其實算貴,因郵票是RMB$4.5,可寄往全世界(香港只需RMB$2.5, 因為那幾張較漂亮,所以我故意買貴了)。卡上印著「空郵」二字,但郵局職員跟我說到香港大約要兩星期……最後郵戳印著6月19日,27日才收到。

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

瀋飛:Shenyang CLIC part 9

12/6 2253
Just watched Australia vs. Japan. Man I can’t believe it. Japan has better technique and experience. I thought Japan could win the game, though their only goal is not absolutely justice. I think the turning point is Australia’s first goal. Australia gains back confidence and organization after this goal.
Today we went to 瀋飛, which is a fighter plane museum. When we entered the museum without tickets the staff said the museum is closed today but they guided us again after we have bought the tickets. We shot some photos and I will of course post it later.
And tonight 阿磯 and I had a tasty dinner with our host Mrs. 王彬. We had many 韓式串燒 and some noodles called (米察) which looks just the same as Italian noodles but made of corn only.

PS 記得瀋飛內有些拆掉引擎的戰機作展覽用,其中一部綠色迷彩的舊戰機頗有二戰味 (但我不知道型號,也不知道它是否真是二戰服役戰機),是我最喜歡的。館內有戰機機艙可供乘坐拍照,我當然坐上去拍了照啦~

Thursday, June 22, 2006

名勝遊: Shenyang CLIC part 7

10/6 2349
I had a nice weekend. We went to 本溪and visit 水洞。In fact we visited a series of spot like 旱洞、太子河、萬千世界、兵馬桶 and 洞穴博物館。
旱洞 actually is just a big long cave. It was decorated with some stone dinosaurs and marine animals. I think the animals are unnecessary. I just appreciate how big the cave is.
水洞 is another cave, but it has a river inside and many 鐘乳石, which makes itself different from 旱洞。We swing a round on the river on a boat, taking photos. I like the obvious layers of the stones.
太子河 was the first we went. We get on a plastic boat and move it ourselves, but we dunno how.
And the others sites were just some jokes. 萬千世界 is a in-door site showing different scene, such as some stories of Buddha, a look at marine world, hell and wild west. I think the site fails in every aspect. Things are made in polythene. It doesn’t evoke me any feeling, neither frightened nor surprised nor excited. We just laughed at how fake the scenes were. However we didn’t took any photo there so you guys cant laugh with me...And 兵馬桶 were fake too. It was a waste of time and money to see them. Fortunately it doesn’t waste us for much time coz they are put in a small room and it just cost us less than 5 minutes.
洞穴博物館 showed some ancient stuff dig from the ground around 本溪。Actually it is a interesting site but it lacks decoration and quantity.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Dream House: Shenyang CLIC Extra

Don't complain about the quality, man. I shot it with a pocket PC only!

The house

The kitchen

The washroom

Monday, June 19, 2006

怪坡: Shenyang CLIC part 6

9/6 2336
Today afternoon we went to “Magic Slope”怪坡. It claims u don’t need to do work to travel up the slope coz “some kind of force” will push u up, and you feel friction if u go down slope.
And we arrive there. It was a pitch road which seems not horizontal. Our mini-bus moves itself when it goes up the slope and fall back when it goes down the slope. Seems cool huh?
I felt confused when I really experienced it. But I still believe this can be explained. The force can only be mechanical coz for such a strong magnetic or electric force we wouldn’t have working mobile phones there, but we had. I think the road is not inclining in the way as it looks like.
And I found this.
And the more interesting thing is that the article was written in 1993 but there are still people like us to go and see the so-called Magic Slope. The owner of the Slope is still making money from the trick and the government has done nothing to stop it even though CCTV has revealed the truth.
Unfortunately from the Google search result we can see the Shenyang 怪坡 is not the only怪坡 in the world, and people are still paying money meaninglessly.

The First Lecture: Shenyang CLIC part 1.5

5/6 1552
This morning 0830 we went to a meeting room to listen to a talk by a business school professor. I walked downstairs like dead people coz I felt so sleepy…
There was originally a title for the talk but he soon changed the topic by asking what we want to know. At some pt of the talk one of us ask the professor’s opinion toward 4thJune1989 democracy movement. There was a moment of embarrassment, but he soon said people in China have found that their government is becoming more and more open-minded. And he then talked about Beijing’s response about 胡耀邦’s death anniversary and used it as an example. He said people are feeling the pressure being removed slowly.
Well in fact I found that the professor didn’t answer the question directly. So I guess what he said is right, but people are still afraid of talking 4th June publicly. This is the answer I expected so I don’t have a strong feeling to this. The question is whether Beijing ‘d continue to give more freedom of speech to its people.

PS I original want to post this when I was in the host family but I ‘m afraid the word “4th June” will affect my host’s living, I don’t know. So I decided to post this when I come back to HK. Enjoy the freedom~~

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Hold on to People They're Slipping Away

Dedicated to everyone who has been together with me in these two weeks in Shenyang.

Slipping Away

All that we needed, was right
The threshold is breaking, tonight

Open to everything happy and sad
Seeing the good when it's all going bad
Seeing the sun when I can't really see
Hoping the sun will at least look at me

Focus on everything better today
All that I needed I never could say
Hold on to people they're slipping away
Hold on to this while it's slipping away

All that we needed, tonight
Are people who love us, and life
I know how it feels to need
Oh when we leave here, you'll see

Open to everything happy and sad
Seeing the good when it's all going bad
Seeing the sun when I can't really see
Hoping the sun will at least look at me

Focus on everything better today
All that I needed I never could say
Hold on to people they're slipping away
Hold on to this while it's slipping away

So long
So long

Open to everything happy and sad
Seeing the good when it's all going bad
Seeing the sun when I can't really see
Hoping the sun will at least look at me

Focus on everything better today
All that I needed I never could say

Hold on to people they're slipping away

Monday, June 12, 2006

北陵and Dream House: Shenyang CLIC part 5

8/6 2157
Today afternoon we went to 北陵, which is the tomb of 皇太極. The view there was beautiful, with lots of green plants and blue sky above. We took many photos there. I promise you guys I shall post some of them.
And we headed back to U and met out host family. The hosts are all professor of the U. 阿磯 and I went to home of Professor 王彬, who is a professor from the Law Department.
And we arrived at our “home”, which looks more alike a paradise. The house is about 1k sq feet on the 1st floor. Yes, 1st floor. It has a penthouse of about 600sq feet. Not to mention the decoration! It’s just my perfect dream house!!
I ‘m going to stay there until 15th June. :D

18/9 Museum: Shenyang CLIC part 4

7/6 1859
Today afternoon we went to 18/9 museum. It contains materials about Japanese invasion of China during WW2. In the museum it shows a land of bones of Chinese who were buried alive by the Japanese. The staff there told me the bones are real things. I saw some skulls have bullet holes on it (one of the skulls have 3 bullet holes). Another mud plain showed the bones of one man and woman holding each other, also buried alive by the Japanese. It was a very sad scene.
At the end it shows how Chinese treat the Japanese war criminals nicely and how thankful the Japanese were, and expresses anger to change of materials into a pseudo-history in some Japanese history textbook. To be honest I won’t say the former part is subjectively enough for putting itself into a museum, but I strongly believe that most of the Japanese are good people. It is the latter part that annoyed most Chinese people.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Old Palace: Shenyang CLIC part 3

6/6 2317
Today afternoon we went to the “Old Palace” in Shun Yang”. I don’t know there is an Old Palace here. I thought there is only one in Beijing. We took some pictures there. We had a guide but she was kind of hasting and rushed to the next checkpoint as soon as she finished the previous one, and she didn’t answer questions patiently which is most important for my dissatisfactory.
Then we head back to university and meet some local students. It was a nice experience. My roommate Zack and I talked to two girls, 齊聞 and 盧舉紅. We talked about universities and secondary school education in China and Hong Kong, food, Cantonese and Madrid. Just when I head back to my room I realized I forgot to take pictures with them…I hope there will be chance.

Friday, June 09, 2006

a short temp post

the articles about CLIC trip to Shen Yang are unmodified and drafts only. i will modify them after i go back to HK. there will be some clips and more photos later.
"GOOD" news, my blog was confirmed blocked in China (read this). No one can read my blog in China, including me!!
for some reason, the second article of 5/6 will be posted after i go back to HK.

New Arrival: Shenyang CLIC part 1

5/6 0249
first day in Shenyang. I‘m damn tired right now after 4 hrs of flight plus 1.x hr of road travel. can’t believe that I will type a diary in time like this.
The U is big. I think it is bigger than HKUST. Our hall looks like a hotel, though some of the furniture is a bit old and crack. I think I will take some pics of this room tmr , em…no, I mean the coming morning. Now my hair is dry and I gotta sleep.

PS many thx to Tin Pui for lending me the notebook :)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

This Is My Dream

Hymn (This Is My Dream)


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Picture of the Moment


大概要待final exam完後壓力才可消解吧。

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


近日聽"Hotel" 時有首歌越聽越有味道......


Raining Again - Moby

Nothing here but nothing less
Cold heart is stuck in this
Couldn't say the kindest words we knew

Everything I tried to say but
no one listens anyway
I had to give up everything I knew

Oh, and it's raining again
Light on your car light, bullets on tin
Oh, and its raining again
Open the door and pulling me in

and it's raining
Raining again
Oh, and it's raining
Raining again

Sadness like water
Raining down Raining down
Sadness like water
Raining down Raining down

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Hotel - Moby
Hotel - Moby
Hotel - Moby
話說我等到4月10日時忍無可忍,決定send e-mail到那個公司問個究竟,對方回答說CD可能已寄失,但會立刻再寄出。Send e-mail前還懷疑CD公司會否不信我不再寄另一盒,想不到對方會這麼爽快。
Disc 2 Ambient很難comment, 主菜Disc 1調子太接近pop, 其實自己不太喜歡這樣 (最喜歡還是Play那種style),但也不仿一聽。這次Hotel disc 1只有3首ambient, hotel intro, homeward angel和hidden track "35 minutes".
1. hotel intro
5. where you end
9. very
12. slipping away
14. homeward angel
15.(hidden) 35 minutes

Sunday, April 09, 2006



Wednesday, April 05, 2006




Sunday, March 26, 2006


3月17日參加了Office of University Development and Public Affairs搞的維他奶plant visit。維他奶總部位於元朗,是兩座黃白大廈,一座是廠房和辦公室,另一座是貨倉,但我很奇怪為何兩座大廈相隔了一條馬路,這樣存倉不會很麻煩嗎?我們只到了廠房那座。
(click the photos to enlarge and see my explanation)
包裝線 (貼飲管部份)
維他奶plant visit大合照
維他奶包裝紙 (375ml)