Thursday, September 04, 2008

Technical Training @ Shanghai

To attend the technical training @ Shanghai:

  • Pack your luggage without nail cutter, shampoo, hair gel and camera-to-computer cable;

  • Use the GPS on your phone to navigate for the taxi driver and almost get lost;

  • Use your nearly-expired passport to check-in your room in hotel and almost get rejected for check-in;

  • Accomodate in a ~1k sq feet apartment (alone);

  • Washed your clothes with the washing machine in room and find no place for hanging the wet clothes;
  • Buy and use a nail cutter for female;

  • Forced to hang the clothes in kitchen;

  • Enjoy the cool weather and realize you have not brought enough clothing;

  • Make friends with other training attendants who are nice;

  • Partner with a Korean colleague who are also nice;

  • Speak in Putonghua, English and sometimes Cantonese;

  • Have good breakfasts, satisfactory lunches and big dinner;

  • Wait at the reception every morning for company bus;

  • Attend lectures and get lost again;

  • Attend lab sessions and gain back some confidence;

  • Chat online with a good old friend from Shanghai;

  • Type this blog;

Welcome to the premier measurement company.


Monday, September 01, 2008

北極首次成為一座孤島 - Yahoo! 新聞

Long time no post. Here is a good news item for all of us:

(明報)9月1日 星期一 21:40

根據衛星拍攝的最新照片顯示,北極 有史以來首次變成了一座孤島,冰雪融化已經貫通了西北和東北通道。
英國 傳媒報道,攝於上月29日的衛星圖,證明北極冰層融化首次成了一座孤島。對研究氣候變化的科學家來說,這是全球變暖對全世界產生的嚴重破壞的一個重要跡象。美國 國家冰雪數據中心專瑟萊澤將此描述成「具有歷史意義的事件」。該中心上周已發出警告,今年北極的融冰範圍比2005年多出20萬平方英里,是歷來融化最嚴重的一年。

Congratulations! We are one step closer to get ourselves wiped out.
Seeing ourselves being wiped out while we can do nothing to stop it from happening is probably one of the worst things on earth.