Monday, June 12, 2006

18/9 Museum: Shenyang CLIC part 4

7/6 1859
Today afternoon we went to 18/9 museum. It contains materials about Japanese invasion of China during WW2. In the museum it shows a land of bones of Chinese who were buried alive by the Japanese. The staff there told me the bones are real things. I saw some skulls have bullet holes on it (one of the skulls have 3 bullet holes). Another mud plain showed the bones of one man and woman holding each other, also buried alive by the Japanese. It was a very sad scene.
At the end it shows how Chinese treat the Japanese war criminals nicely and how thankful the Japanese were, and expresses anger to change of materials into a pseudo-history in some Japanese history textbook. To be honest I won’t say the former part is subjectively enough for putting itself into a museum, but I strongly believe that most of the Japanese are good people. It is the latter part that annoyed most Chinese people.