Monday, July 31, 2006

Fujifilm F30

6月初去瀋陽前我忽發奇想,提議下年暑假去西藏;原以為別人反應不會很熱烈,幸好阿邦和天培都很有興趣。自從由瀋陽回來後便發現去旅行無相機確實極不方便,不能拍下自己希望拍下的景物,所以回來後便一直說要買相機,幾經辛苦終於在兩星期前mark到sponsor (當然是來自父母,他們大概也明白旅行無相機很麻煩;他們一直煩著我說要看相,但相是用別人的相機拍的),買了討論區評價不錯,阿sir又推薦的F30.
Fujifilm F30

一些試拍照(click to zoom):
view from my home
Night view from the room window

1. 相機是在旺角星際買的,剛巧那裡有抽獎,每買滿$100便有一張抽獎券,所以我有29張抽獎券,每張後面也得寫上名字電話。我好像回到幼稚園要練習寫自己的名字,而且要寫29次!
2. 關於去西藏的計劃,日期只定了在下年的暑假;我也知道來日方長,變數很多,但我仍希望下年能成行。

Sunday, July 30, 2006

中樂、京劇:Shenyang CLIC part 13


16/6 1544
Today morning we have no lecture and we went to 五愛市場, which is an area of 批發 market. We entered into a building. Inside of it looks like a common shopping mall with small shops. At first we thought it has nothing interesting (remark: 只記但有很多內衣褲賣......), until we went to the highest floor where fine arts shops are. Many of us have bought something but I hadn’t coz the things are useless to me although they are beautiful.
And in the afternoon we stay in the University and listen to some Chinese music performed by students and professors here. I enjoyed the music very much. We heard 十面埋伏、茉莉花 and some other songs. I thought the music would be slow and very boring but then I found that it is special and exciting.
And we went to watch 京劇 rehearsal. The drama was called 鐵弓緣 and was about a girl and her mother who owned a restaurant. And a rich young man came and try to mess up the restaurant but was caught by the mother. The drama contains some funny parts. Like when the young man’s servers want to beat the mother she said, “why you touch me?! 男女授授不親。” And the mother made the young man to put off his pants when she caught him. And she had to order for 3 times coz he wears 3 pants. :D
I think what I experienced today had hit my view strongly towards Chinese culture.
At night me, Zack, 常 and 磯 had dinner with some local students. We had Korean BBQ but the restaurant is much less beautiful than the one me and 磯 had on 12/6. We played “7 and multiple of 7” but a round ends quickly before it went to 3x. :D

Friday, July 07, 2006


Meteora - Linkin Park
X&Y - Coldplay
ENIGMA - Michael Creta
some CDs bought in June
原來Linkin Park叫林肯公園,Coldplay叫酷玩樂隊......後來又於網上買了Moby的18.
買Meteora是因為kkk介紹過breaking the habit這首歌給我,我又覺得幾o岩聽;但聽罷meteora發現Linkin Park比我想像中更hardcore, 所以始終覺得有點channel唔o岩,但又未至於接受不了。
ENIGMA是從radioIOambient電台認識的,那首principle of lust印象頗深刻,今次終於可以一次過擁有48首ENIGMA的作品(3CD賣RMB$18?!!而且是HDCD)。

Thursday, July 06, 2006

太原街: Shenyang CLIC part 10

13/6 2306
Today we had a talk on enterprisers in China in different times. It makes me feel that commercial chances are everywhere in China. And at the end the speaker talked about the next generation of enterprisers will make their money on the Internet. That makes me thought of setting up a shop in ebay.
And the afternoon we went to 太原街 which is like Hong Kong’s Mongkok. There was really not enough time to walk into every shop I interested. At last I bought a album of Enigma (3CDs for just RMB$18!) and an introductory book about bioengineering.

PS 那天我在太原街郵局買了4張明信片,15日寄出,各RMB$5,價錢其實算貴,因郵票是RMB$4.5,可寄往全世界(香港只需RMB$2.5, 因為那幾張較漂亮,所以我故意買貴了)。卡上印著「空郵」二字,但郵局職員跟我說到香港大約要兩星期……最後郵戳印著6月19日,27日才收到。