Wednesday, June 13, 2007

雅虎稱Flickr照片分享網站可能遭中國政府封鎖,正調查中 - Yahoo! 新聞

雅虎稱Flickr照片分享網站可能遭中國政府封鎖,正調查中 - Yahoo! 新聞


中國大陸的上網者自上週以來,就看不到Flickr的照片,而有謠言說,自從1989年6月天安門屠殺的照片被放到網站後,北京 當局就採取行動



Paraflyer @ Flickr

Source: jurvetson @ Flickr


Anonymous said...

Hey there! Glad you like my photo - would be more glad if you let me know when you use one next time. ;-)

milkman said...

oops...just like your photo. No bad intention.
This blog entry is about Tiananmen Square Incident 1989. The Chinese government have forbidden access to Flickr in China. There are rumors saying it is due to the presence of Tiananmen Square Incident photos in Flickr.

Anonymous said...

Well, the same here in Germany. OK, not completely the same, but since one week Flickr blocks access to 'non-safe' photos also to germans. A lot of riots in many blogs and newsgroups.

It's OK to take my photo/s - if you like let me know if you use one next time. ;-)