Friday, September 28, 2007

News of Radiohead's New Album

I know it is boring but, yes, it's radiohead again~
This is from their official web site, posted probably on Wednesday. Click on the HODIAU DIREKTON and you will see it.

The picture is a code. It has been used in the web site since this week. It was decoded as


MARCH! (Don't know the meaning of WA X though.)

Read also the post "untitled no.8". It contains only a sentence "im stuck in the tardis" and a picture. The sentence is in fact the first line of the song "Up on the ladder", which is also the file name of the picture. Conclusion: we can expect that the song "Up on the ladder" will be included in the coming album. Watch the live of the song below.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Campus Hostel is Essential and Should be Assured

Source of photo: 明報

About a hundred students attended a sit-in in Atrium, HKUST to call for an increase in hall bed places.

The shortage of student hall is in fact a piece of old news. It was noticed that the number of mainland students has been increasing since the past few years. A hall bed is guaranteed for each non-local student in HKUST. In the last summer, the Student Housing Office (SHO, responsible for hall allocation) unusually announced the number of hall bed for non-local students (most of them are probably mainland students). Later it was exposed that the university has enrolled excess mainland students.

In last few week hundred of students escaped from hall in mid-night to avoid being caught for living illegally at hall. Later it was reported that the room check for illegal inhabitants was merely specific for a room. The storm has, however, arisen discussions in some Internet forums. And the discussions finally led to the sit-in.

The lack of transparency in hall allocation has also been being criticised. It was well known among HKUST students that the allocation mechanism is a question mark, as there were frequent reports of one student having a hall bed while another student did not but they both live in the same estate.

Recently before the sit-in, student representatives have met with the vice president of HKUST, Roland Chin. Prof. Chin acknowledged the problem and promised to cut sharply the number of mainland exchange students from 100 in this semester to 4 in the coming semester. The hall allocation mechanism was also immediately announced.

Campus hostel is important for students' development of skills essential for survival in the society. They meet new peers and learn to take care of themselves. However, the incident showed the lack of care of the related departments in providing the hostel resource for local students.

A new hall will be ready for move-in in next school year. The new hall will ease the burden of hall demand, but will not help much after 2011, when 3-3-4 will be adopted in universities.

I have lived in hall in the past two years. It is a shame that I cannot complete my final year with a hall bed. For a situation like this now, however, I hope more hostel resource can be allocated to local freshmen.

If we want HKUST to be an international institute, enrolling most exchange students from our own country will not help. More students from foreign countries should be enrolled provided that the resource for this is adequate, so that the ratio of exchange students from different countries is near.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Where I End and You Begin.

there's a gap in between
there's a gap where we meet
where i end and you begin

and i'm sorry for us
the dinosaurs roam the earth
the sky turns green
where i end and you begin

i am up in the clouds
i am up in the clouds
and i can't and i can't come down

i can watch but not take part
where i end and where you start
where you, you left me alone
you left me alone.

X' will mark the place
like parting the waves
like a house falling into the sea.

I know some people may not like this kind of music, but I just can't forget the bassline.
In the film there is a piano-like instrument. It is called Ondes Martenot. This is "an early electronic musical instrument with a keyboard and slide, invented in 1928 by Maurice Martenot", according to Wikipedia. This instrument is responsible for the freak high-pitch noise in the song.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Camp Fire大家跳都跳過林子祥的「成吉思汗」,但大家有否聽過外語版的「成吉思汗」?


Monday, September 10, 2007

Hail to the Thief (向老賊敬禮)

Hail to the Thief 1

昨天在信和購入二手的Hail to the Thief, 跟Isaac打邊爐慶祝他生日後回家聽歌。
有跟我談音樂的朋友都知道自上學期初我便中了Radiohead毒,皆因聽了他們的OK Computer; 聽了數次後便買回家,中毒更深。接著又聽了The Bends, Kid AI Might Be Wrong.

暑假中段感到自己已聽了很久「電台司令」(網上看到的Radiohead譯名),想聽多些電子音樂,於是聽了適逢出碟的The Chemical BrothersWe are the Night, 後來再買入網評不俗的Dig Your Own Hole. 聽後發現自己其實喜歡We are the Night多一些,雖然也不能說碟中每首歌也喜歡。

Hail to the Thief 2
Hail to the Thief並不是新碟,這張專輯早於2003年6月推出,正是美伊戰爭開始後約三個月。聽了一次全碟後覺得這張專輯政治味道甚濃,個人覺得當中幾首歌(2+2=5, Sail to the Moon, I Will)都有些反George Bush的情緒。當中一些歌詞("Are you such a dreamer? to put the world to rights?"; "Maybe you 'll be president but know right from wrong"; "...with white elephants sitting ducks. I will rise up."),加上專輯這樣的名稱,不難令人約有所思。
說回歌曲,Hail to the Thief可說是回歸搖滾,皆因之前Radiohead的兩張專輯Amnesiac和Kid A均有濃厚電子氣氛,但Hail to the Thief始終比OK Computer有更多電子味。暫時留意到的Hail to the Thief歌曲有2+2=5, Sit Down Stand Up, Sail to the Moon, Where I End and You Begin和There there. 相信接下來這段日子我又會重投Radiohead懷抱。

Monday, September 03, 2007

老餅廣告測驗 結果





Sunday, September 02, 2007


8-2-2007 Annual Dinner

在大學,學術上自己實在談不上有何成就,但自己倒是感受到CENG001學的"to learn how to learn",學到了不少非學術的知識,我相信這些知識將會終身受用。