photo: ew.com
昨天再看《迷失東京》Lost in Translation, 上一次看已是三、四年前的事了。
當年看完《迷失東京》後雖然很喜歡這套電影,但總是覺得很迷茫,覺得男女主角間關係模糊,這要拜導演Sofia Coppola含蓄的表達;相隔數年再看,自己依舊喜歡這套電影,而且比當年更明白電影想帶出甚麼訊息,一部份是因為自己長大了幾年,閱歷仍不廣博但至少比當年多(這樣說自己是不是很「娘」?自問這幾年自己是變殘了但其實仍尚算後生的),至少懂得甚麼叫疏離感和文化沖擊;而另一部份則要歸功現今科技了。
當年仍未有YouTube, Wikipedia仍未在自己的圈子裡興起,但這兩個網頁為我解答了兩個《迷失東京》裡的迷。有些觀眾喜歡《迷失東京》的含蓄,可能會對以下內容反感;但對一些每事問的怪人像我便可放心看下去。
Lost in Translation點題的一幕裡,男主角Bob Harris (Bill Murray飾)拍攝清酒廣告,日本導演對著他嘰哩咕噥了一大輪。我聽不明日文,這一段又沒有字幕提供,當時我的神情大概就跟Bill Murray一樣呆滯和「O嘴」。幸好Wikipedia提供了翻譯,內容如下:
Bob: Does he want me to, to turn from the right or turn from the left?
Interpreter (in formal Japanese, to the director): He has prepared and is ready. And he wants to know, when the camera rolls, would you prefer that he turn to the left, or would you prefer that he turn to the right? And that is the kind of thing he would like to know, if you don't mind.
Director (very brusquely, in colloquial Japanese): Either way is fine. That kind of thing doesn't matter. We don't have time, Bob-san, O.K.? You need to hurry. Raise the tension. Look at the camera. Slowly, with passion. It's passion that we want. Do you understand?
Interpreter (In English, to Bob): Right side. And, uh, with intensity.
Bob: Is that everything? It seemed like he said quite a bit more than that.
Don't let my leaving get in the way of our friendship, okay?
1. 相信有看過《迷失東京》的觀眾都同意女主角十分省鏡,她正是絲嘉莉祖漢臣Scarlett Johansson,曾擔任《謊島叛變》女主角。
2. 《迷失東京》奪得2003年奧斯卡最佳原創劇本獎項。
yes! me too. i like the movie, though i cant tell why, haha~
er.... i dont reli understand the 2 myths that u mentioned...
haha.... i m not reli into this movie actually..... (coz while i was watching my focus was only on scarlett....) hahah
lets have a tea and discuss later la
i can have tea after 4:30pm from Mon to Thu!!
long time no chat wif u man!
p.s. "Videotape" ROCKS!!!
yup, sure~i will phone u later~
videotape is one of my favourite hits recently, and i thought it would suit the previous post about cloverfield~
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