- Pack your luggage without nail cutter, shampoo, hair gel and camera-to-computer cable;
- Use the GPS on your phone to navigate for the taxi driver and almost get lost;
- Use your nearly-expired passport to check-in your room in hotel and almost get rejected for check-in;
- Accomodate in a ~1k sq feet apartment (alone);
- Washed your clothes with the washing machine in room and find no place for hanging the wet clothes;
- Buy and use a nail cutter for female;
- Forced to hang the clothes in kitchen;
- Enjoy the cool weather and realize you have not brought enough clothing;
- Make friends with other training attendants who are nice;
- Partner with a Korean colleague who are also nice;
- Speak in Putonghua, English and sometimes Cantonese;
- Have good breakfasts, satisfactory lunches and big dinner;
- Wait at the reception every morning for company bus;
- Attend lectures and get lost again;
- Attend lab sessions and gain back some confidence;
- Chat online with a good old friend from Shanghai;
- Type this blog;

Welcome to the premier measurement company.
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