Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, its because I want to know more about you.
from 邦少
1. i love freedom
2. i want to be smarter (or at least look smarter)
3. i love chemistry, biotech and economics
4. i support capitalism. you should get paid for how much effort you have given, though most of the time this is not how things are working.
5. i believe there is no good nor bad people, but people would like to be good.
6. i wanted to be a doctor
7. i m now an engineer
8. i work in a field regarding chemistry and electrical engineering, though i did chem eng in university.
9. i want to buy a flat. i m saving money bit by bit and i hope i can afford one soon.
10. i love to have more free time
11. i feel good about my job, but like everyone else, i always want a salary raise.
12. i love funny and exciting things, just like everyone else. why so serious?
13. but i also love reading or watching meaningful stories in books, films and games. i think they are good for my brain.
14. i love music, esp. electronica and rock.
15. will biotech kill us? though it has saved lots of people.
16. will the world end before my life? the world looks so messy now.
21 Jan 2009
hell, i find my "about me" is so boring...
anyway, if you got tagged, congratulations! i just want to keep you busy. so if you are already busy, forget it then.