Saturday, July 31, 2004
近期發覺呢度寫d野越黎越似日記,實非本人所願。其實最初想將呢度定位做個人網頁至日記中間, post下d搞笑野。
PS 尋日有個鄰居過黎搵我整電腦,小學個陣已經識佢個仔。but the point is佢個女好靚!
近期發覺呢度寫d野越黎越似日記,實非本人所願。其實最初想將呢度定位做個人網頁至日記中間, post下d搞笑野。
PS 尋日有個鄰居過黎搵我整電腦,小學個陣已經識佢個仔。but the point is佢個女好靚!
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
harry potter 3 the movie
今日同lala去睇, 部戲上左個幾星期, 所以要入d 細house 睇
Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Thursday, July 22, 2004
剛剛睇過一個friend個diary, 好有深度, 估唔到佢咁有深度, 相比之下我呢個web真係廢話中o既廢話。
一向都唔多鐘意打自己D感受, 開心o既就無所謂, 唔開心o既寧願同人講, 不過需要勇氣, 試過打出黎不過無人理......
一向都唔多鐘意打自己D感受, 開心o既就無所謂, 唔開心o既寧願同人講, 不過需要勇氣, 試過打出黎不過無人理......
之前報左個interesting problems of physics workshop之類o既野, 尋日走去理大。那天成日落雨, 落下停下咁, 不過個workshop都幾有用。
不過個日成朝都係seminar, 粒幾鐘先有個break, 又要神咁早去, 好多人都訓哂覺, 不過我地見到有個女仔竟然係度抄notes, 令我們十分驚訝。
seminar講左laser, nanotech., smart coating, smart material, physics of sports, ultrasonic, etc...
下午lab visit, 其實都係回應上午o既topics, 不過個度d機又幾特別幾有型。laser個pofessor好搞笑, 又有run一次個lab, 幾特別
最後去左康樂大樓玩遊戲, 臨急臨忙改個組名做mark 6...玩遊戲又狂出矛招, 最後仲要贏埋, 真係吹o張。之後有lucky draw, 我地班有~10個人, 好多獎, 前後number都中獎但我地班竟然無人中?!
個日仲好似見到個舊同學,不過唔知有無認錯, 我見到佢好似唔多想見到我, 我都無謂講啦。
不過個日成朝都係seminar, 粒幾鐘先有個break, 又要神咁早去, 好多人都訓哂覺, 不過我地見到有個女仔竟然係度抄notes, 令我們十分驚訝。
seminar講左laser, nanotech., smart coating, smart material, physics of sports, ultrasonic, etc...
下午lab visit, 其實都係回應上午o既topics, 不過個度d機又幾特別幾有型。laser個pofessor好搞笑, 又有run一次個lab, 幾特別
最後去左康樂大樓玩遊戲, 臨急臨忙改個組名做mark 6...玩遊戲又狂出矛招, 最後仲要贏埋, 真係吹o張。之後有lucky draw, 我地班有~10個人, 好多獎, 前後number都中獎但我地班竟然無人中?!
個日仲好似見到個舊同學,不過唔知有無認錯, 我見到佢好似唔多想見到我, 我都無謂講啦。
19號個領袖課程去科技大學, 個度d環境真係好正, 不過d人話個度讀好辛苦, 其實如果個度讀書氣氛好都係一件好事黎o既。之後問下人biochem難唔難, 佢話要記好多野,
個課程淨係帶我地去library, hall同一間不知名廳之類的房間。個library超大, 不過無人, 可能因為放假;圖書館還擺滿了一些人們不會借的書呢!
仲有個hall都好鬼新&靚, 成棟私人樓咁, 最正就係個海景!!
19號個領袖課程去科技大學, 個度d環境真係好正, 不過d人話個度讀好辛苦, 其實如果個度讀書氣氛好都係一件好事黎o既。之後問下人biochem難唔難, 佢話要記好多野,
記:思考=7:3, 我驚會好似bio咁要狂記野, 心中不禁憂慮起來。
個課程淨係帶我地去library, hall同一間不知名廳之類的房間。個library超大, 不過無人, 可能因為放假;圖書館還擺滿了一些人們不會借的書呢!
仲有個hall都好鬼新&靚, 成棟私人樓咁, 最正就係個海景!!
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Don't do that
Monday, July 12, 2004
11/7 葵涌 工業街 街場
半場 3打3 10分
歷時 5mins
比數 10-0<-自己
半場 3打3 10分
歷時 5mins
比數 10-0<-自己
起手/命中 2/0
air ball 1
籃板 0
Friday, July 09, 2004
Into The West
Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
Night is falling
You have come to journey’s end
Sleep now
Dream- of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across a distant shore
Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see
All your fears will pass way
Safe in my arms
You’re only sleeping
What can you see
On the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home
And all will turn to silver glass
A light on the water
All souls pass
Hope fades
Into the world of night
Through shadows falling
Out of memory and time
Don’t say
We have come now to the end
White shores are calling
You and I will meet again
And you’ll be here in my arms
Just sleeping
What can you see
On the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home
And all will turn to silver glass
A light on the water
Grey ships pass
Into the west
godspeed, mrs.chenoweth~
Your sweet and weary head
Night is falling
You have come to journey’s end
Sleep now
Dream- of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across a distant shore
Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see
All your fears will pass way
Safe in my arms
You’re only sleeping
What can you see
On the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home
And all will turn to silver glass
A light on the water
All souls pass
Hope fades
Into the world of night
Through shadows falling
Out of memory and time
Don’t say
We have come now to the end
White shores are calling
You and I will meet again
And you’ll be here in my arms
Just sleeping
What can you see
On the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home
And all will turn to silver glass
A light on the water
Grey ships pass
Into the west
godspeed, mrs.chenoweth~
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Saturday, July 03, 2004
My japanese name is 秋本 Akimoto (autumn book) 明 Akira (bright).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Thursday, July 01, 2004
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